Friday, January 8, 2016

vortex deformer : Maya/C++

Here is a multithreaded vortex deformer for maya.
The deformer allow to add a vortex defromation on to a mesh based on input matrix (for exemple a locator). This one can be used for exemple to fake whirhpool over ocean deformer or anything else. The deformer also create a colorSet which can be used for shading. The noise is based onto a perlinNoise derivative.

Deformation :


Red = rotation amount
Green = noise
Blue = detph

Below few exemples:


  1. This looks pretty sweet. Would you be willing to share the deformation algorithm? Or any sources of information on how to put something like this together? Is the noise like a multiplier over the strength of the rotation? And is the "depth" like a push down of the center position of that matrix.

    Seems a bit like you're doing a rotation around a "line", like distance from the matrix in two directions and depth is a push along the other direction. The rotation is rotation around that line. (And does the start and end control the falloff/strength based on that distance?)

    Sweet result!


  2. Hi,
    i use a derivative perlin noise as a displace on points before applying the vortex algorithm.

    below the algorithm:

    d = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    xzDeform = pow( clamp ( fit(d,0,rotationDistance,rotation,0.0f),0,rotation),3)*360;
    yDeform = ((pow(clamp (fit ( d,clamp ( end,0,(start-0.001)),start,1,0),0,1),clamp (smooth,1,INT_MAX)) * abs(depth))*-1);

    ptResult[i].x = cos(xzDeform)*x - sin(xzDeform)*z;
    ptResult[i].y = yDeform+y;
    ptResult[i].z = sin(xzDeform)*x + cos(xzDeform)*z;

  3. I really want to try it out, but I can't find a download link. HALP!

  4. hi can i get download link for this

  5. Hi this is great any chance of a dowmload link?
